Author: War3station
Translator: GLH

In the last series of Group C, the game Infi vs Pcg123, we saw a controversial screen. In the first round, both of the players chose to summon the Beast Master and learned Hawk at level 1. This made the commentators and audiences so shocked, and the chat on the stream was so crazy too. One of a commentator on the stage, Yumiko was so speechless for this, after that, this case was being discussed on a lot of forum. Let's review this game first.

In the beginning of the game
In the game on AM, both side chose to summon the neutral hero, the only difference between them is Infi built the Shop first, and Pcg started with Graveyard and Crypt. After that, both of them sent their Ghoul to the middle of the map, and summoned the Beast Master and Hawk at the same time. By the time, there are some noise from the audiences, some of them were laughing, some of them had no idea for that. Meanwhile, Yumiko looked so bad on his face and he stopped casting for a while, and these cases made the show so embarrassing.

What's wrong with the Hawk?
Why did the audiences react a lot to Hawk?
In fact, this is a story from the tournament that called "4 great kings". In a game that Yumiko vs Lyn, Yumiko summoned Beast Master second and learned Hawk at level 1, and he tried to use the Hawk to scout when he was creeping. However, this strategy wasn't effective, and Yumiko lost to Lyn with 2-4, meanwhile, the players and audiences saw this, and this special action was be in their mind.

Audiences' reaction after the game
After the game that Infi vs Pcg, a lot of audiences were so angry, and they came to CNwar3 ( and commented about the game, they blamed on Infi that he did this in a big offline tournament. The audiences said, as a player, you have to play the tournament seriously.

(This is disrespect for the tournament and audiences, this should not be the behavior of the player.)

(Even though this was not laughing on Yumiko, Beast Master first was also effect the quality of tournaments, they didn't played it seriously.)

Shouldn't we have this "Hawk" in the tournament?
In this game, it seems like a special strategy if you have no idea about this. This is an international tournament, and this was streaming on live, and you chose to way to "solve" your personal issue, this is really so disrespectful and impolite.

When we looked at Hunter, even though he was sitting on the wheelchair, and he knew that he can't be qualified this time, he still played the game very seriously. Hunter said his parents and his friends were watching him, and there were a lot of audiences in the hall, he enjoyed of this.

Even though this game didn't matter to the top 8 anymore, this was still disrespect.

The players should break and spoil the environment and the tournament. NetEase has been paying so much attention for 3 years, finally, we have a chance to make War3 be great again, so, the personal issue shouldn't be "solved" in this way. Please think about the official and the others before you do anything in the tournament.

Especially Infi, he is a senior player, he should be a normal for the younger players. Previously, you may be the streamers, you can play it relax when you're streaming. But the situation is changed now, we are turning the game become professional and a lot of players get the contract from the professional E-sports squads too. So, we should use a good attitude to face the games and tournaments,don't disappoint your fans and the audiences, this action is a big deal to the whole E-sports environment.

We wish we won't meet this situation anymore.


Short interview after the games in WGL.
Please turn on the subtitles


Author: War3station
Translator: GLH

The group stage finished yesterday, finally Lyn, Foggy, Infi, Moon, Colorful, Fly, Lawliet and FoCuS are qualified to the playoffs.

Before the games, official let the casters predicted a list of qualified players, let's review their choices.

Casters' prediction result:

First place: TeD and Yumiko (6/8)
TeD chose 120 and TH000
Yumiko chose Lucifer and 120

Third place: Snowkiss, Qiaolin, Xun, Jupanda (5/8)
Snowkiss chose TH000, Lucifer, 120
Qiaolin chose TH000, Lucifer, 120
Xun chose WFZ, Lucifer, 120
Jupanda chose TH000, Lucifer, 120

Seventh place: B2W(Neo and Remo)
They chose TH000, Lucifer, Sonik, and 120

Our Master of DUNAI, TeD is the prediction king, what a "professional" commentator!
