Author: War3station

In 2018, we have so much good news for Warcraft III, new patches, new tournaments, new league, even  Reforged edition, but we have a problem, the players are fewer in this game. Due to their personal reasons, Yumiko, Remind, Check, Romantic, Life, left this game. At last, we have a good news for this, a Korean Night Elf player, Check, he said he will try to come back, and come back on the stage.

If you are not an old fans of War3, you may be not familiar with this ID. So, let's us recall some great results in his career.

G League 6th Runner-up
IEST'2009 Runner-up
PGL'2015 Runner-up
GSC'2015 2v2 Champion
WCA'2016 Championship
GSC Winter'2017 Fourth Place

A senior player, a master of low APM 

Check, we may recall this ID from ROC edition. In 2002, Check started playing and showed himself in tournaments, during the following 15 years since 2002, we had seen this name for so much times.

Although his APM was just 150, but he was using his deep understanding and practicing so hard to bring up his micro skills. He was not like Moon, Remind, Soju, what he is doing is that he just kept practicing.

One of a 2v2 greatest partner

In fact, his Night Player was an Orc player, maybe this is the reason that he was playing so brave and fierce, force his opponent to pay off when the opponent killed his units.

In 1v1 games, Check always couldn't get better result with his low APM., however, in 2v2 games, he was one of the best player. In WCA the clan war, Lyn and he had a big win over Chinese Team; In GCS, he got the championship with TeD. After that, he was dominating in 2v2 games with 120, seems every player would be the great 2v2 player when they play with Check.

When he came back in 2015, Check played almost the tournaments, however he had just so few good results, especially in GCS.

In 2017 GCS winter, due to the personal reason, that was the last tournament of Check, so he brought his family to Shanghai. With the power of love, he was having a great performance, he knocked down Soin in Group Stage, and had a come back game when he played against Lawliet, resulting fourth place at last.

Check may get great results in this patch

In 2018, we may not see Check in the tournaments, but Check didn't quit this game completely, he will stream and play on the ladder sometimes. Actually this is too hard to quit completely at once, because this is the game he has insisted on for more than 10 years.

Patch 1.30 is a big time of Night Elves, with the reforged edition, these may be the reason that make he wants to come back to this game.

Hoenestly, it's still so hard for Check to get Champion, but we saw the NE players like Colorful, even TH's NE and Infi's NE can get the good results, we are confident in Check that he can do that too.

Check may be old, and he may be losing his strength and vitality, but he will keep his habit that make he greatness, he is hardworking, industrious, strong and persistent.
